

Robotic plastic deburring consists of a robot arm removing excess material from plastic molded parts. This example will help you create a project in RoboDK for robot simulation and offline programming. This example also shows how you can use the Fusion 360 plugin to generate toolpaths in RoboDK.

With the RoboDK plug-in for Fusion 360, you can easily create a machining project and automatically export the generated path inside RoboDK. RoboDK will then transform it into a robot program. you can easily load 3D models created in SolidWorks to RoboDK.Robodk加载项允许您直接从融合360编程任何机器人手臂,以进行任何制造应用。


To start the project, you will first have to select RoboDK’s plastic deburring example from the default library.




1.选择FileExample Plastic Deburring - Image 1Open

C:/ Robodk / Simear /插件 - Fusion360-Plastic-Deburring.rdk。

Example Plastic Deburring - Image 2

Now that you have loaded the station you can open Fusion 360.


Open your object in Fusion 360. In this example the object is a plastic part. The goal of this project is to remove excess material in the three holes, and all around the part near the bottom of it.

Example Plastic Deburring - Image 3

First, you need to make sure that you are in the “Manufacturing” workspace tab of Fusion. We should follow these steps to create the tool path:


2.选择要使用的工具(在此示例中,我们将使用我们的Robodk Station的自定义工具),然后选择要创建第一条路径的孔。

3.To get the tool path on the right side of the surface, we will select机器其他侧面然后选择Ok。跟随每个孔的这个过程。

4.To do the same thing to the bottom part, you will select theSwarf工具然后选择底部。

5.Once the calculation is done, we will simulate the paths we just created: Select yourSetup然后选择模拟



Now that the Deburring reference frame is activated, the program will be exported with respect to that reference frame. e will go back into Fusion 360 and verify that the image is as shown:

示例塑料去毛刺 - 图片4


1.在Fusion 360中,您有Robodk插件。只需选择在Robodk中加载CAM项目

Example Plastic Deburring - Image 5

2.如果我们回到Robodk,我们可以在其位置找到切割路径。一种“Machining Project” called “Plastic Deburring” was created: Select去毛刺然后选择可见的

3.我们可以重命名“Station1 Se的切削刀具轨迹ttings”:右键点击on塑料去毛刺重命名它。

Example Plastic Deburring - Image 6




Example Plastic Deburring - Image 7



2.在此示例中,默认参数会产生有效的结果。我们可能想要更改的唯一设置是激活和取消激活主轴:打开Program Events一种dd a subroutine in “Path Approach” and “Path Retract” by检查每个选项和写“主轴(1)”in Path Approach and“主轴(0)”在路径缩回。这假设您在控制器中定义了一个函数,而不是接受激活或停用主轴的参数。


现在我们必须修改我们创建“Station 1”的程序的名称并启动“主程序”


1.Make sure that we use the correct post processor: Select车站➔选择Post ProcessorABB Rapid IRC 5。

2.右键单击Station1程序并选择Generate Robot Program

You should automatically see the robot program in a text editor. You will be able to see all of the specific move commands and syntax required by the ABB robot controller.