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Errors exporting a python program to Motoman/Yaskawa INFORM III (JBI)
REF: Program Generation
REF: Error in post processing
REF: From Python Program (roboDK API)
REF: To Yaskawa/Motoman INFORM III (JBI)
ANX: (7)= (5) screenshots, (1) Python program and (1) RDK program


I hope all readers/responders of this thread are well and safe.

I would like to inquire if you have any suggestions regarding a

'TypeError: file() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)' error (see attached screenshots),

shown when trying to generate a Motoman/Yaskawa INFORM III (JBI) program (attached) from a RoboDK API-based python program, using all three Motoman post processors ('Motoman' and 'Motoman Cartesian' and 'Motoman CartesianOnly').

RDK文件只包含the Motoman HP20D robot, a TCP, six targets and a python program (see attached RDK file).

Thank you for your attention and possible help.


Marco A. Assfalk de Oliveira

REF: Missing python program attachment in the original message/post
ANX: (1) python program

Replying to include the python program referred to in the original message/post but which was not included due to a mishandling of attachment limits/editing tools.

Marco A. Assfalk de Oliveira

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.rdk iMov_test.rdk(Size: 1.35 MB / Downloads: 112)
.py 4.31 KB / Downloads: 134)
You are using the Python 2 version that is installed by default on Mac computers. I recommend you toinstall Python 3from the official Python website and use Python 3 with RoboDK.

Make sure to properly select Python 3 here:
  1. Tools-Options
  2. Select the Python tab
  3. Click select on Python interpreter

Thank you, Albert!

Worked perfectly.

Marco A. Assfalk de Oliveira.

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