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Limit the maximum number of lines per program - Curve Follow Project
Hello everyone,

I am trying to make a Curve Follow Project with an old (Kawasaki FS03N) controller that only can handle approximately 600 lines. Can RoboDK generate the program by defining "Limit the maximum number of lines per program"?
I have tried to set the maximum allowed lines to 600: Tools-Options-Program-Limit the maximum number of lines per program but unfortunately this did not work because it gave 1527 lines.

Does anyone have a solution to my problem?

Best regards

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Hi Jonas,

I took a look at the Kawasaki post-processor and it does not take into account the program splitting for the moment.

小问题,the controller is limited by its internal memory (not enough space for more than 600 lines) or is it a program limitation (You can load many 600 lines programs on the controller)?

Hi Jeremy,

Yes, the controller is limited by its internal memory.
I have tried to increased the step sized but it has not reduced the number of lines.
With the default settings it gives 1528 lines and by increasing the step size it gives 1892 lines.
How can I increase the step size to get below the 600 lines?

Best regards

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How did you import that path?
With one of our CAD plugin?
If so you can go in the plugin settings and increase the "Linear tolerance" setting.

Another option would be to try to create a "dripfeed" setup for the robot controller.
We already have that in place for Fanuc controller.

But for that, you need to have some coding skills.
You need to connect the robot controller to a PC, have a Python script running on the PC to send small "code blocs" to the controller one at the time, run them, and erase them once they've been executed to leave room for the next bloc.
We could point you in the right direction, but you would need to do a good amount of work on your side as this is extremely brand-specific and possibly require some option on the controller to connect to the PC via Ethernet.

Have a great day.
Hi guys,

I have a related question about my Staubli / Custom Adept Post Processor.

I'd like to split my program into segments as well. I'm not sure many lines my controller will load, but I know it will do at least 15,000. Is it possible for me to add this feature to my post processor? I noticed that it also does not split the program, despite that option being selected.



Staubli Rx90 / 1994 / CS7 (Adept Mv190) controller.
Even if the setting is activated inside RDK, the feature needs to be implemented in the post-processor.
I'm not sure it's the case for the CS7 post.

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Thanks Jeremy,

I'll see about learning what I need to do to edit it. :)

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